7 Ways to Express Gratitude in your Relationships

7 Ways to Express Gratitude in your Relationships
Knowing that others are grateful for your presence in their lives feels great whether we like to admit it or not. Though it can be tough to have relationships where you don’t always feel appreciated, remember to think back to your own actions and recognize if you’re doing the same thing or if you’re really showing your gratitude enough. Though we may only think of our romantic partners when we consider all the relationships in our lives, remember that it goes beyond that. Your friends, your co-workers and your family members are all relationships that you have that can only be made stronger, so be sure to consider whether you are treating all of them with the gratitude that you deserve. When you begin to treat your relationships with gratitude you may be surprised to receive the same amount back. Here are seven ways that you can start expressing more gratitude in your life to build stronger relationships with those that are important to you.
- Say “Thank You” More Frequently
Thanking somebody shouldn’t just be left for when they give you something or do you a favour. Thanking those that you love is one of the simplest ways to express your gratitude. Did your partner take time out of their day to help you with a project? Make sure to thank them for their effort. Did a friend put up with your tardiness again? Say thanks for them being patient with you. No matter how small their efforts were, reminding someone that you are thankful not only for their actions, but for their presence in your life, is a genuine way to show them that you care and that you notice their efforts.
The best part of expressing your gratitude by thanking them is that you don’t always need a reason. Thank them just for being who they are, and for being a part of your life. It can never be said enough.
- Give Praise (Publicly and Privately)
Nobody likes for their efforts to go unnoticed. The next time that you notice a loved one doing a job well done, tell them. Praising them for their efforts means that they feel noticed and can be reminded that their efforts weren’t in vain. And, while it’s important to tell them how well they did, don’t be afraid to tell others. Expressing your support and happiness in your relationships to other people proves that you aren’t afraid to openly express your gratitude.
- Treat Them
You don’t need to wait until their birthday to do something special. Whether you treat them to coffee “just because” or you surprise them by taking them to their favourite restaurant, treating your friends or your partner is a way to remind them that they are an important part of your life. You don’t need to drop any serious cash, either. Bring your partner home a chocolate bar the next time that you have to stop at the grocery store. Offer to pay for your friend’s movie ticket the next time you go out. Sometimes the simplest of surprises can mean the most.
- Be Consistent
If you’re the type of partner who buys flowers on Valentine’s Day or their birthday and only then, you aren’t being consistent enough. You never want your partner to wonder why you need a reason to show your gratitude, otherwise they might end up feeling like they aren’t enough for you. Go out of your way to make any random Tuesday a special one. Sure, it might mean that the next time a holiday does roll around you will need to do something extra special, but its better than leaving your partner wondering why you only go out of your way for them when you absolutely have to.
- Be There
This might seem like a given in any relationship, but it’s so simple to forget to do that it’s often not thought of enough. Make sure that any partner or friend knows that you’re there, no matter what. This means always replying to important messages or calling them back when their voicemail seems important. While something may not seem that important to you, it could mean the world to them.
It’s also important to remember that there will be times where the other person may not feel like reaching out first, even if they’re struggling and need you around. If you haven’t heard from someone in awhile, or they seem to be distant, a quick “How are you?” text-message can be enough to remind them that you’re thinking of them.
- Acknowledge the Little Things
Did your significant other pick up the groceries because you were running late? Did a friend drop you off from work because your car was in the shop? We often do things for those that are important to us without giving it a second thought. While these are often things that we don’t expect to receive gratitude from doing, it’s always important to show it anyway. Saying “thank you” can be enough, but if you want to go the extra mile, make it up to them. If you borrow their car for a quick trip then consider filling up their tank, no matter how empty it is. If your partner bought groceries, offer to cook as a thank-you. When you acknowledge the little things that someone does for you, you remind them that they are important to you. And while many favours may seem like no big deal to you, you never know what they needed to change in their own schedule to make it happen.
- Do Them a Favor – Before they Ask
A lot of people are afraid to ask for a favor because they’re afraid that they may seem like a burden. While you may have told your partner that you don’t mind helping them out, that doesn’t mean they won’t still be afraid to ask. If you see a loved one struggling, don’t bother asking if they need help – just do it. Not only will they be grateful for you, but it gives you an opportunity to show your gratitude for the things that they have done for you in the past.
12 Ways to Feel Gratitude during a Pandemic

12 Ways to Feel Gratitude during a Pandemic
This past year has certainly been challenging for all of us in so many ways. There are times it is difficult to see the beauty around us when we are surrounded by challenges. This can be the same not only in a pandemic but during any crisis. The key is to focus on even small things to be happy about, as you feel gratitude for these things it will be easier to find even greater gratitude and happiness around you.
Personally right now as I am writing this I am truly grateful to be warm and cozy inside with about 18 inches of snow on the ground.
1 Beautiful Day
Being grateful for the day is an easy place to start. Is the weather nice? If it isn’t do you have the means to stay comfortable? Look for local birds or plants; think about how they impact the area you are seeing.
2 Time in Nature
I have spent a lot of time walking just to get a change of scenery, to feel better and for my overall well-being. Luckily I leave a short driving distance from walking trails. Even sitting in a park or your yard can bring a sense of wellbeing.
3 Comfortable Cloths
I certainly spend more time in comfortable cloths than I ever have working from home exclusively. Maybe it’s a fuzzy pair of socks or a favorite sweater than can make you feel better even on a rough day.
4 Pets/Animals
If you have pets, be grateful for their love and company. If you don’t have pets, be grateful to that beautiful bird or cute squirrel that crosses your path.
5 Games/Puzzles
Puzzles and games have helped family’s reduce boredom and spend time together. In a time with so many electronics getting back to these basic board games and puzzles has allowed a new generation to find old school fun.
6 Creativity
7 Treasured Item
8 Coffee
Coffee, tea this can be any beverage of your choice.
9 Health
Be thankful for even a single portion of your health. Maybe you have great eyesight or hearing, maybe you are flexible, pick out one thing that makes you feel good about yourself.
10 Family
In these uncertain times spending time and being grateful for members of our family can be a key to our wellbeing. These people don’t have to be related to you by blood, just people you feel you can truly trust and rely on.
11 Virtual Tours
Many museums are offering virtual tours. What a great way to see a museum you could never get to in the past. Something new in a world with far too many restrictions.
12 Books
Many of us have more time at home than we ever have. Books can transport us into a new place or time. Whether you read paper copies, on a device or via audiobooks they can be a great way to relax. Find a new story, ready a biography of someone you admire or a book about a historical time period that you find fascinating.
How to Start a Gratitude Journal You Can Stick With

Creating a journaling routine can seem challenging at first if you have never done it before. Essentially you have to carve out a few min every day to sit and journal. There are a few guidelines though that can make it easier to create a habit.
1) Pick a time that tends to be your quiet time of the day. If mornings are busy getting off to work and getting kids off to school, trying to add journaling in then will never work. Maybe you carve out a few quiet moments at lunch or before dinner. For me my quiet time is in the evening before bed. I like to read and have some quiet moments. This is the best time for me to do my gratitude journaling.
2) Find a journal book style and pen you really like. There are lots of sizes to choose from. If you want to be able to take it on the go, get something small enough to fit in your purse. A bigger size will work if you plan to leave it at home. Think about how you like to write – do you like lines, unlined, artwork? It may take a few attempts to really figure out what you prefer.
3) Make it a habit. It takes 21 days to create a habit. So make a commitment to yourself to spend 10-15 minutes a day on your journaling no matter what for the next month.
4) Be Flexible. If you try evening and you fall asleep instead of journaling, try a different time. Wish your journal had lines? Or artwork? You can draw in lines or add stickers to decorate it.
5) Expect the Unexpected. It may take a few attempts to really feel like you can make journaling stick.
6) If you already journal and just want to add gratitude journaling you can create a separate journal or just incorporate daily gratitude into your existing progress.
It’s ok to make mistakes, to try and try again to find what works. There is no right or wrong way to journal. The ultimate key is finding what works for you. If you stop for a while (sometimes life happens) it’s OK to pick up where you left off.
Being Grateful while Social Distancing

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of changes around COVID–19. This is a challenging and fluid situation. It can be easy to get drawn in to all the negative situations and reports around us. Many of us are isolated from friends and family.
Many people have lost jobs even temporarily, trying to work remote while entertaining kids who cant go to school, or have to go into work in spite the health risks. My heart goes out to all the people working in health care and all the sacrifices they are making.
Take time for yourself. Write in your journal. Find some new things to be grateful about. Myself I am working from home with my daughter who had surgery and could finally attend school, the day they closed it. I was on a conference call today and one thing said was really inspirational. Its OK to feel, stressed or be upset with everything going on but do one thing every day that makes you feel good. I love to walk on a local trail, so weather permitting I plan to do that as my daily gift to myself and my mental health.
Home with family? This is a great time to re-connect with your household, play a board game, watch a movie as a family or just talk. Many schools aren’t set up for on-line learning. Its a great time for the kids to learn some basic life skills. Cook a meal or have them follow a recipe (depending on age) with your supervision, show them how to balance a checkbook, do laundry or hem a pair of pants.
No Kids? If you are with a partner spend some quality device free time together. If you are alone? Do that on-line class you never get to, work on a project you’ve had on your list for a while or do a video happy hour with a friend.
Be grateful for the health care workers out there every day trying to help and for friends and family pitching in to watch children so those workers or others like them have to go into work right now.
Still getting your regular paycheck? Help the local businesses by buying gift cards if they have to close to use later and get takeout from local restaurants to help support them. Do what you can to help from a safe distance.
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